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Jul 14, 2009

Stop Smoking And Get Your Freedom Back

Are you really tired of being chained to a pack of cigarettes? After so many years, this is the way that many smokers do feel, only they can not seem to break free from them. So many people that smoke cigarettes have tried to quit repeatedly and have no been successful. Why is this particular addiction so hard to break? The body does not react in the same way as people who use other drugs. There is no real head spinning or mood alterations when you smoke a cigarette in comparison to say, smoking marijuana. Of course, the nicotine does cause a physical reaction in the body, it is just not a mind altering reaction like other drugs can give.

The big question is what is one way that could make any smoker be able to quit? Well, evidently there is not one. There are a lot of nicotine products available that are supposed to help you quit, but studies have shown that the success rate for for quitting using these products is relatively low. Still, people buy them everyday in the hopes that one of these products will help them to break free from smoking. Sometimes people will see their family doctor and get help from there. There are pills on the market now that are supposed to help, but these have some side affects that are not agreeable with everyone. They are still on the market, and are still being used.

The one thing that it all comes down to is the will power and determination of the person that is trying to quit. A smoker must have these two things because they will not be successful without them. There are no products that can make you quit. If you smoke cigarettes while you use some products, they can make you sick. This is why it is so important to know whether you can handle not smoking once you are using a product that does not allow you to smoke. You already have an addiction, you do not want to become sick also.

Many smokers find that it is helpful to join a support group of other smokers who are trying to quit and be counseled by those who have already been successful. Talking to others that have managed to stop smoking could provide the one tip you need that could make all of the difference. Different things work for different people. If you are not ready to stop smoking, you probably will not stop. You have to be in the proper state of mind in order to quit. Sometimes it will take a smoker months or even years before they are sick enough of smoking to do almost anything to stop. Once you reach this point, you should have a fighting chance.

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